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A logo is an essential need for an author. There is no shortage of competition in the publishing arena. New books are printed, uploaded, and put on the shelves every day. There are countless authors and books, and the numbers increase daily. For as easy as it is to publish in today’s world, it’s not nearly as easy to stand out. That’s why I strongly encourage all authors to have a logo.

A visual symbol not only promotes reader recognition but it allows readers to connect with you. It makes you and your books memorable. It is perhaps one of the best marketing tools to have and it’s a vital part of branding your author name.

There is also a professional element. A logo or a set of branded and succinct logotypes indicates significance and experience. Whether you’re independent or traditionally published, having a designated logotype for your author name attracts opportunities, such as other authors for collaborations, writing organizations, and other industry related prospects, in addition to readers.

Keep in mind, your logo doesn’t need to be fancy or elaborate by any means. For an author, the focus of your logotype should in fact be your name. The point is drawing attention to you and your books. The purpose is to have some form of visual recognition – and it doesn’t take much to do that. Yet, it is certainly something that can take you and your brand to the next level.

There are many options you can take to obtain or create an author logo. Most of which are inexpensive. Make sure you stick with something that is true to you, your brand, and your stories. Something that not only resonates with your readers but gives them an idea of what to expect from your writing. This is also where a good tagline would come into play.

Whether you go with a DIY method or hire a designer, having a logo is a small investment with an incredible return.

To see our pre-designed logo options, click here.