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Audiobooks are becoming increasingly popular. Not just with traditional publishing, but also in independent publishing. With more and more readers converting to avid listeners the demand for audio content will continue to increase. 

It’s perhaps one of the most ideal times to produce an audiobook and it’s never been easier to do so on your own.

Here are some quick tips to help get you started:

1. Decide on your platform.
You want to understand the requirements of each platform, commissions/royalties, rights, and other legalities, early in the production phase.
2. Decide on narration.
Do you want to hire a narrator or self-narrate? If you choose to hire someone, keep in mind that there will be a bit more time involved as you must search and audition candidates. There will also be costs associated with this option whereas self-narration is pretty much free. If you decide to narrate yourself, you will need to ensure that you have or can purchase the necessary audio equipment, as well as have a proper home studio or a quiet place to record.  
3. Editing.
Decide if you want to send your audio files to a professional audio editor or if you want to edit yourself. There are pros and cons to each and it comes down to what you’re comfortable with and/or what you can afford.
4. Don’t forget to proof!
Audio files need to be proofed just as you would a written manuscript. You want to keep in mind that quality issues in an audio file will be much harder to miss, so make sure you’re focused on the precision of the audio. Things to look for include: misspoken words, hard-to-understand words, background noises, and editing issues.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, but hopefully, you found this content helpful. Producing your own audiobook is something you can easily do and it will open you up to reach a wider audience.